Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) Neil Gaiman : Stardust General Catalog Perfume Oil (Discontinued)
"Eyes, eyes! New eyes for old!" shouted a tiny woman in front of a table covered with bottles and jars filled with eyes of every kind and color.
"Instruments of music from a hundred lands!"
"Penny whistles! Tuppenny hums! Threepenny choral anthems!"
"Try your luck! Step right up! Answer a simple riddle and win a wind-flower!"
"Everlasting lavender! Bluebell cloth!"
"Bottled dreams, a shilling a bottle!"
"Coats of night! Coats of twilight! Coats of dusk!"
"Swords of fortune! Wands of power! Rings of eternity! Cards of grace! Roll-up, roll-up, step this way!"
"Salves and ointments, philtres and nostrums!"
Otherworldy golden incense, blooming wind-flowers, everlasting lavender, bluebell, a faint whiff of exotic sugared candies, and fae mist upon wet green grass.