Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) Lupercalia : A Ballad of Death Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
Now, ballad, gather poppies in thine hands
And sheaves of brier and many rusted sheaves
Rain-rotten in rank lands,
Waste marigold and late unhappy leaves
And grass that fades ere any of it be mown;
And when thy bosom is filled full thereof
Seek out Death's face ere the light altereth,
And say "My master that was thrall to Love
Is become thrall to Death."
Bow down before him, ballad, sigh and groan.
But make no sojourn in thy outgoing;
For haply it may be
That when thy feet return at evening
Death shall come in with thee.
Opium poppy, smoke, and tar with green cognac, brittle white vanilla pod, white sandalwood, and clove bud.