Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) Anniversary : 15th Anniversary (2017) Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
OnJanuary 7th, I announced that I was preggers to the forum, and pregnancy scents like Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream soon followed. While I was giving birth to Lilith, Brian pulled the trigger on her two birth scents – Lady Lilith and Lilith Victoria – so they could come to life just as she was entering the world. This began our annual tradition of commemorating each year that we spend with Lilith with a scented scrapbook. We love you, Lilith. More than you can possibly know.
The Shunga debuted for the first time, including Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife, Men Ringing Bell With Penises, and Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge.
This year also marked the first time that Frederic – inspired by Gilbert & Sullivan – began appearing every February 29th, and he’s been our Leap Year guest ever since!
At the December Lunacy event, we began the first of our annual toy drives.
In 2008, Black Phoenix Trading Post hosted the Miskatonic Valley Junior Baseball Association’s Spring Training – Ted’s vision of little league in Lovecraft Country – which ushered in a decade of our ridiculous Lovecraft-meets-Norman Rockwell serials and rotating exhibits in Arkham’s Pickman Gallery. I don’t have words for how much I love working on our campy Miskatonic Valley scents; how else could I experience a life filled with pancake breakfast summoning circles, demonic art openings, pre-pubescent softball-loving fish people, suave cultist tailors, and goat-headed burlesque dancers?
Lilith’s beloved lavender coated with sugar crystals, crawdad-bright grapefruit, and a pop of iridescent, loathsome Mi-Go musk.